Writeup for Cicada-3301 Vol-1 @TryHackMe
Shamal Lakshan

Cicada-3301 Vol:1

Go to room

A basic steganography and cryptography challenge room based on the Cicada 3301 challenges

Task 1 - Download

  • Download and unzip the given folder

    No answer needed

Task 2 - Analyze The Audio

Task 3 - Decode the Passphrase

  • Find and Decrypt the passphrase and key

    No answer needed

  • What is the decrypted passphrase?


  • What is the decrypted key?


  • Still looks funny? Find and use a cipher along with the key to decipher the passphrase

    No answer needed

  • What is the final passphrase


Task 4 - Gather Metadata

  • Using the found passphrase along with Stego tools find the secret message

    No answer needed

  • What link is given?


Task 5 - Find Hidden Files

  • Using stego tools find the hidden file inside of the image

    No answer needed

  • What tool did you use to find the hidden file


Task 6 - Book Cipher

Task 7 - The Final Song

  • What is the song linked?

    The Instar Emergence