Writeup for Cicada-3301 Vol-1 @TryHackMe
Cicada-3301 Vol:1
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A basic steganography and cryptography challenge room based on the Cicada 3301 challenges
Task 1 - Download
- Download and unzip the given folder
No answer needed
Task 2 - Analyze The Audio
- What is the link inside of the audio?
Task 3 - Decode the Passphrase
Find and Decrypt the passphrase and key
No answer needed
What is the decrypted passphrase?
What is the decrypted key?
Still looks funny? Find and use a cipher along with the key to decipher the passphrase
No answer needed
What is the final passphrase
Task 4 - Gather Metadata
Using the found passphrase along with Stego tools find the secret message
No answer needed
What link is given?
Task 5 - Find Hidden Files
Using stego tools find the hidden file inside of the image
No answer needed
What tool did you use to find the hidden file
Task 6 - Book Cipher
Crack the Hash
No answer needed
What is the Hash type?
What is the Link from the hash?
Decipher the message
No answer needed
What is the link?
Task 7 - The Final Song
- What is the song linked?
The Instar Emergence